Charlotte – Metalmorphosis Face Reflections

Metalmorphosis, in Charlotte, is a modern art piece by artist David Cerny featuring a huge head in the center of a circular fountain. The polished steel surface acts as a mirror reflecting North Carolina’s blue sky and clouds.

Charlotte – Metalmorphosis Face Reflections

Charlotte – Metalmorphosis in Action

When the motorized, internet-controlled segments of Metalmorphosis (in Charlotte) are rotating, the result is an oddly mesmerizing perpetually moving showpiece which alternately looks like a human head—with disturbing, gaping holes where the mouth or eyes should be—or, alternately, like nothing replicated in the physical world.

Charlotte – Metalmorphosis in Action

Charlotte – Metalmorphosis Side View

Charlotte – Metalmorphosis

Metalmorphosis, by Czech artist David Černýa, is a mirrored sculpture housed in the Whitehall Technology Park in Charlotte, North Carolina. The creation consists of nearly 40 steel pieces grouped into 7 segments which independently rotate 360 degrees. When the segments are aligned, the sculpture appears to be a giant, silver head with all of the usual fixtures in their regular places.

Charlotte – Metalmorphosis Face On