Chester Cathedral Windows

The Chester Cathedral has unfortunately lost nearly all its medieval glass, although the fragments that remain give a tantalizing glimpse of what was once there. The Gothic cathedral of today was largely built in the 13th and 14th century. Most of the stained glass in Chester Cathedral dates from the 19th century with lovely windows. Here are images of a window from outside and the stained glass from inside. 

Chester Cathedral Window from Outside
Chester Cathedral Stained Glass Window from Inside

Bolton Castle on a Hill

The 14th-century fortress Bolton Castle in Yorkshire, England is, incredibly, still owned by the barons Bolton, who built the castle. It has never been sold and has always been inherited by descendants of the Scrope family, who were powerful and enjoyed roles at the royal court over several generations. Sitting on top of a hill, it’s still a perfect storybook castle – with restored medieval gardens offering a spectacular view.

Castle Bolton on a Hill
Castle Bolton Gardens

Bolton Castle, Yorkshire

Bolton Castle is one of the best preserved medieval castles in the country and dominates Wensleydale with its commanding presence. The castle was built by Sir Richard le Scrope who was Lord Chancellor of England during the reign of Richard II, and is still owned by a direct descendent Lord Bolton. Construction of the castle began in 1378 and took around 18 years to build. It was designed as a fortified residence rather than being simply a military base.

Castle Bolton